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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge


A new "temperature inversion" estimator to detect CMB patchy screening by large-scale structure. (arXiv:2401.13040v1 [astro-ph.CO])

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 10:36

Thomson scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons imprints various properties of the baryons around galaxies on the CMB. One such imprint, called patchy screening, is a direct probe of the gas density profile around galaxies. It usefully complements the information from the kinematic and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects and does not require individual redshifts. In this paper, we derive new estimators of patchy screening called the "temperature inversion" (TI) and "signed" estimators, analogous to the gradient inversion estimator of CMB lensing. Pedagogically, we clarify the relation between these estimators and the standard patchy screening quadratic estimator (QE). The new estimators trade optimality for robustness to biases caused by the dominant CMB lensing and foreground contaminants, allowing the use of smaller angular scales. We perform a simulated analysis to realistically forecast the expected precision of patchy screening measurements from four CMB experiments, ACT, SPT, Simons Observatory (SO) and CMB-S4, cross-correlated with three galaxy samples from BOSS, unWISE and the simulated Rubin LSST Data Challenge 2 catalog. Our results give further confidence in the first detection of this effect from the ACT$\times$unWISE data in the companion paper and show patchy screening will be a powerful observable for future surveys like SO, CMB-S4 and LSST. Implementations of the patchy screening QE and the TI and signed estimators are publicly available in our LensQuEst and ThumbStack software packages, available at and , respectively.

The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Detection of Patchy Screening of the Cosmic Microwave Background. (arXiv:2401.13033v1 [astro-ph.CO])

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 10:35

Spatial variations in the cosmic electron density after reionization generate cosmic microwave background anisotropies via Thomson scattering, a process known as the ``patchy screening" effect. In this paper, we propose a new estimator for the patchy screening effect that is designed to mitigate biases from the dominant foreground signals. We use it to measure the cross-correlation between \textit{unWISE} galaxies and patchy screening, the latter measured by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and \textit{Planck} satellite. We report the first detection of the patchy screening effect, with the statistical significance of the cross-correlation exceeding $7\sigma$. This measurement directly probes the distribution of electrons around these galaxies and provides strong evidence that gas is more extended than the underlying dark matter. By comparing our measurements to electron profiles extracted from simulations, we demonstrate the power of these observations to constrain galaxy evolution models. Requiring only the 2D positions of objects and no individual redshifts or velocity estimates, this approach is complementary to existing gas probes, such as those based on the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect.

HOMERUN a new approach to photoionization modelling. I -- reproducing observed emission lines with percent accuracy and obtaining accurate physical properties of the ionized gas. (arXiv:2401.13028v1 [astro-ph.GA])

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 10:34

We present HOMERUN (Highly Optimized Multi-cloud Emission-line Ratios Using photo-ionizatioN), a new approach to modelling emission lines from photoionized gas that can simultaneously reproduce all observed line intensities from a wide range of ionization levels and with high accuracy. Our approach is based on the weighted combination of multiple single-cloud photoionization models and, contrary to previous works, the novelty of our approach consists in using the weights as free parameters of the fit and constraining them with the observed data. One of the main applications of HOMERUN is the accurate determination of gas-phase metallicities and we show that a critical point is to allow for a variation of the N/O and S/O abundance ratios which can significantly improve the quality of the fit and the accuracy of the results. Moreover, our approach provides a major improvement compared to the single-cloud, constant-pressure models commonly used in the literature. By using high-quality literature spectra of H ii regions where 10 to 20 emission lines (including several auroral lines) are detected with high signal-to-noise ratio, we show that all lines are reproduced by the model with an accuracy better than 10%. In particular, the model is able to simultaneously reproduce [O i], [O ii], [O iii], [S ii], and [S iii] emission lines which, to our knowledge, is an unprecedented result. Finally, we show that the gas metallicities estimated with our models for HII regions in the Milky Way are in agreement with the stellar metallicities than the estimates based on the Te-method. Overall, our method provides a new accurate tool to estimate the metallicity and the physical conditions of the ionized gas. It can be applied to many different science cases from HII regions to AGN and wherever there are emission lines from photoionized gas.

Chronicling the reionization history at $6\lesssim z \lesssim 7$ with emergent quasar damping wings. (arXiv:2401.10328v1 [astro-ph.CO])

Tue, 23/01/2024 - 10:30

The spectra of high-redshift ($z\gtrsim 6$) quasars contain valuable information on the progression of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). At redshifts $z<6$, the observed Lyman-series forest shows that the intergalactic medium (IGM) is nearly ionized, while at $z>7$ the observed quasar damping wings indicate high neutral gas fractions. However, there remains a gap in neutral gas fraction constraints at $6\lesssim z \lesssim 7$ where the Lyman series forest becomes saturated but damping wings have yet to fully emerge. In this work, we use a sample of 18 quasar spectra at redshifts $6.0<z<7.1$ to close this gap. We apply neural networks to reconstruct the quasars' continuum emission around the partially absorbed Lyman $\alpha$ line to normalize their spectra, and stack these continuum-normalized spectra in three redshift bins. To increase the robustness of our results, we compare the stacks to a grid of models from two hydrodynamical simulations, ATON and CROC, and we measure the volume-averaged neutral gas fraction, $\bar{x}_{\rm HI}$, while jointly fitting for the mean quasar lifetime, $t_{\rm Q}$, for each stacked spectrum. We chronicle the evolution of neutral gas fraction using the ATON (CROC) models as follows: $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.21_{-0.07}^{+0.17}$ ($\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.10_{<10^{-4}}^{+0.73}$) at $\langle z \rangle =6.10$, $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.21_{-0.07}^{+0.33}$ ($\bar{x}_{\rm HI} =0.57_{-0.47}^{+0.26}$) at $\langle z \rangle =6.46$, and $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.37_{-0.17}^{+0.17}$ ($\bar{x}_{\rm HI} =0.57_{-0.21}^{+0.26}$) at $\langle z \rangle =6.87$. At the same time we constrain the average quasar lifetime to be $t_{\rm Q} \lesssim 7\ {\rm Myr}$ across all redshift bins, in good agreement with previous studies.

Einstein-Proca theory from the Einstein-Cartan formulation. (arXiv:2306.14953v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)

Fri, 19/01/2024 - 12:08

We construct a theory of gravity in which a propagating massive vector field arises from a quadratic curvature invariant. The Einstein-Cartan formulation and a partial suppression of torsion ensure the absence of ghost and strong-coupling problems, as we prove with nonlinear Lagrangian and Hamiltonian analysis. Augmenting General Relativity with a propagating torsion vector, our theory provides a purely gravitational origin of Einstein-Proca models and constrains their parameter space. As an outlook to phenomenology, we discuss the gravitational production of fermionic dark matter.

A small and vigorous black hole in the early Universe. (arXiv:2305.12492v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)

Fri, 19/01/2024 - 12:07

Multiple theories have been proposed to describe the formation of black hole seeds in the early Universe and to explain the emergence of very massive black holes observed in the first billion years after Big Bang. Models consider different seeding and accretion scenarios, which require the detection and characterisation of black holes in the first few hundred million years after Big Bang to be validated. Here we present an extensive analysis of the JWST-NIRSpec spectrum of GN-z11, an exceptionally luminous galaxy at z=10.6, revealing the detection of the [NeIV]2423 and CII*1335 transitions (typical of Active Galactic Nuclei, AGN), as well as semi-forbidden nebular lines tracing gas densities higher than 10^9 cm-3, typical of the Broad Line Region of AGN. These spectral features indicate that GN-z11 hosts an accreting black hole. The spectrum also reveals a deep and blueshifted CIV1549 absorption trough, tracing an outflow with velocity 800-1000 km/s, likely driven by the AGN. Assuming local virial relations, we derive a black hole mass of log(M_BH/Msun) = 6.2 +- 0.3, accreting at about 5 times the Eddington rate. These properties are consistent with both heavy seeds scenarios, or scenarios envisaging intermediate/light seeds experiencing episodic super-Eddington phases. Our finding naturally explains the high luminosity of GN-z11 and can also provide an explanation for its exceptionally high nitrogen abundance.

What is the nature of Little Red Dots and what is not, MIRI SMILES edition. (arXiv:2401.08782v1 [astro-ph.GA])

Fri, 19/01/2024 - 11:40

We study little red dots (LRD) detected by JADES and covered by the SMILES MIRI survey. Our sample contains 31 sources, $\sim70$% detected in the two bluest MIRI bands, 40% in redder filters. The median/quartiles redshifts are $z=6.9_{5.9}^{7.7}$ (55% spectroscopic). We analyze the rest-frame ultraviolet through near/mid-infrared spectral energy distributions of LRDs combining NIRCam and MIRI observations, using a variety of modeling techniques that include emission from stars, dust, and (un)obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). The NIRCam$-$MIRI colors, for $\geq10$ $\mu$m, are bluer than direct pure emission from AGN tori; the spectral slope flattens in the rest-frame near-infrared, consistent with a 1.6 $\mu$m stellar bump. Both observations imply that stellar emission makes the dominant contribution at these wavelengths, expediting a stellar mass estimation: the median/quartiles are $\log \mathrm{M_\star/M_\odot}=9.4_{9.1}^{9.7}$. The number density of LRDs is $10^{-4.0\pm0.1}$ Mpc$^{-3}$, accounting for $14\pm3$% of the global population of galaxies with similar redshifts and masses. The flat ultraviolet spectral range is dominated by young stars. The rest-frame near/mid-infrared (2-4 $\mu$m) spectral slope reveals significant amounts of dust (bolometric stellar attenuation $\sim3-4$ mag) heated by strong radiation fields arising from highly embedded compact sources. Our models imply $<0.4$ kpc heating knots, containing dust-enshrouded OB stars or an AGN producing a similar radiation field, obscured by $\mathrm{A(V)}>10$ mag. We conclude that LRDs are extremely intense and compact starburst galaxies with mass-weighted ages 5-10 Myr, very efficient in producing dust, their global energy output dominated by the direct and dust-recycled emission from OB stars, with some contribution from obscured AGN in the mid-infrared.

The stellar Fundamental Metallicity Relation: the correlation between stellar mass, star-formation rate and stellar metallicity. (arXiv:2401.08769v1 [astro-ph.GA])

Fri, 19/01/2024 - 11:38

We present observational evidence for a stellar Fundamental Metallicity Relation (FMR), a smooth relation between stellar mass, star-formation rate (SFR) and the light-weighted stellar metallicity of galaxies (analogous to the well-established gas-phase FMR). We use the flexible, non-parametric software pPXF to reconstruct simultaneously the star-formation and chemical-enrichment history of a representative sample of galaxies from the local MaNGA survey. We find that (i) the metallicity of individual galaxies increases with cosmic time and (ii) at all stellar masses, the metallicity of galaxies is progressively higher, moving from the star-burst region above the main sequence (MS) towards the passive galaxies below the MS, manifesting the stellar FMR. These findings are in qualitative agreement with theoretical expectations from IllustrisTNG, where we find a mass-weighted stellar FMR. The scatter is reduced when replacing the stellar mass $M_{*}$ with $M_{*}/R_{\rm e}$ (with $R_{\rm e}$ being the effective radius), in agreement with previous results using the velocity dispersion $\sigma_{\rm e}$, which correlates with $M_{*}/R_{\rm e}$. Our results point to starvation as the main physical process through which galaxies quench, showing that metal-poor gas accretion from the intergalactic/circumgalactic medium -- or the lack thereof -- plays an important role in galaxy evolution by simultaneously shaping both their star-formation and their metallicity evolutions, while outflows play a subordinate role. This interpretation is further supported by the additional finding of a young stellar FMR, tracing only the stellar populations formed in the last 300 Myr. This suggests a tight co-evolution of the chemical composition of both the gaseous interstellar medium and the stellar populations, where the gas-phase FMR is continuously imprinted onto the stars over cosmic times.

Scalable hierarchical BayeSN inference: Investigating dependence of SN Ia host galaxy dust properties on stellar mass and redshift. (arXiv:2401.08755v1 [astro-ph.CO])

Fri, 19/01/2024 - 11:34

We apply the hierarchical probabilistic SED model BayeSN to analyse a sample of 475 SNe Ia (0.015 < z < 0.4) from Foundation, DES3YR and PS1MD to investigate the properties of dust in their host galaxies. We jointly infer the dust law $R_V$ population distributions at the SED level in high- and low-mass galaxies simultaneously with dust-independent, intrinsic differences. We find an intrinsic mass step of $-0.049\pm0.016$ mag, at a significance of 3.1$\sigma$, when allowing for a constant intrinsic, achromatic magnitude offset. We additionally apply a model allowing for time- and wavelength-dependent intrinsic differences between SNe Ia in different mass bins, finding $\sim$2$\sigma$ differences in magnitude and colour around peak and 4.5$\sigma$ differences at later times. These intrinsic differences are inferred simultaneously with a difference in population mean $R_V$ of $\sim$2$\sigma$ significance, demonstrating that both intrinsic and extrinsic differences may play a role in causing the host galaxy mass step. We also consider a model which allows the mean of the $R_V$ distribution to linearly evolve with redshift but find no evidence for any evolution - we infer the gradient of this relation $\eta_R = -0.38\pm0.70$. In addition, we discuss in brief a new, GPU-accelerated Python implementation of BayeSN suitable for application to large surveys which is publicly available and can be used for future cosmological analyses; this code can be found here:

The Relation Between AGN and Host Galaxy Properties: I. Obscured AGN reside in disturbed hosts at 0<z<4. (arXiv:2401.07863v1 [astro-ph.GA])

Thu, 18/01/2024 - 10:35

The morphology of a galaxy is a manifestation of the complex interplay of physical processes occurring within and around it, and therefore offers indirect clues to its formation and evolution. We use both visual classification and computer vision to verify the suspected connection between galaxy merging activity - as evidenced by a close/merging galaxy pair, or tidal features surrounding an apparently singular system - and AGN activity. This study makes use of JADES JWST/NIRCam imagery, along with an unprecedentedly complete sample of AGN built using JWST/MIRI photometry in the same field. This 0.9-25 micron dataset enables constraints on the host galaxy morphologies of the broadest possible range of AGN beyond z~1, including heavily obscured examples missing from previous studies. We consider two AGN samples, one consisting of lightly to highly obscured X-ray-selected AGN (Lyu et al. 2022), and the other, presumed Compton-thick mid-infrared-bright/X-ray-faint AGN recently revealed by MIRI (Lyu et al. 2023). Both samples contain a significant fraction of host galaxies with disturbed morphologies at all redshifts sampled, and increasingly so towards higher redshift and AGN bolometric luminosity. The most obscured systems show the highest fraction of strongly disturbed host galaxies at $95\pm4$%, followed by the moderately and unobscured/lightly obscured subsets at $78\pm6$% and $63\pm6.5$%, respectively. From this pattern of disturbances, we conclude that mergers are common amongst obscured AGN, and that the obscured AGN phase may mark a period of significant SMBH growth. This finding presents tension with the leading model on AGN fueling mechanisms (Hopkins et al. 2014) that needs reconciling.