My research has focused on several key questions:
- How do the compositions (i.e., dust, gas, stars) of the first galaxies compare to those of local galaxies, and is there a continuous evolution of these properties?
- What are the relative effects of mergers, in- and outflows, and secular accretion on the baryon cycle, gas content, and star formation of these galaxies?
- How can we improve current models and analysis techniques to maximize the yield of the relatively limited observations of high-redshift galaxies?
To tackle these, I have used ALMA and JVLA observations of z>4 galaxies to characterize their kinematics, derive gas masses, and characterize their dust properties. At Cambridge, I am active in two complementary JWST NIRSpec GTO teams (JADES and GA-NIFS), where I examine galaxy kinematics, star formation activity, and cosmic reionization at high-redshift.
Galaxy Kinematics (Rotation/Merging/Outflows)
Molecular Gas Content
Far-IR SED Modeling