ANDES, formerly known as HIRES, is the high resolution optical-NIR spectrograph for ESO's ELT born from the merger of two phase-A studies for ELT instrumentation: CODEX in the optical and SIMPLE in the NIR.
ANDES will be a fiber-fed spectrograph capable of providing spectra from 0.33 to 2.4 µm and working in 4 different observing modes (MR: R~20000, HR: R~100000, UHR: R~150000, IFU).
In September 2012 the HIRES Initiative formed at a workshop held at KICC and prepared a White Paper (Maiolino et al. 2013) summarizing a wide range of science cases. In 2015 the HIRES Initiative grew into the HIRES Consortium, with Institutes from 14 countries and a major UK contribution from UK-ATC, Herriot-Watt and Cambridge. The UK is leading the NIR module.
KICC's Roberto Maiolino and Martin Haehnelt are the ANDES Project scientist and UK board member, respectively.
More information can be found at :