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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge

Kavli Focus

KICC are pleased to host regular half-day or full-day internal meetings, usually one or two per term. These focus on the science themes of the Kavli Institute however they also encompass cross-themed meetings.

These informal events promote discussion and are centred around a set of talks, with good representation from students, postdoctoral researchers and fellows. Wherever possible, external contributors may also attend in-person as day visitors.

Forthcoming events


Previous events


Friday 21st June 2024 - Dark Matter in Astrophysical Laboratories

Thursday 16th / Friday 17th May 2024 - Confronting tSZ simulations and observations

Tuesday 6th / Wednesday 7th February 2024 - Science with the 21-cm line


Monday 4th/Tuesday 5th December 2023 - The Milky Way and its high-redshift progenitors in theory and observations

Tuesday 17th OctoberIntroduction to KICC

Thursday/Friday 1st/2nd June 2023 - Astrostatistics and Astro-Machine Learning

Friday 12th May 2023 - A multi-scale view of the Epoch of Reionisation

Monday/Tuesday 27th/28th March 2023 - Next generation surveys in the Rubin-LSST era


Wednesday 7th December 2022 - Introduction to KICC

Thursday 15th September 2022 - 2022 Mini Symposium

Tuesday/Wednesday 17th/18th May 2022: Baryons and Cosmology

Friday 6th May 2022: The Early Universe

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 11/12/13th April 2022: Observational and Theoretical 21-cm Cosmology


Tuesday 7th December 2021: Feedback in and around galaxies

Thursday 30th September 2021: Kavli Fellows Science Day