The KLEVER Survey
KLEVER (Kmos LEnsed Velocity and Emission line Review) is an ESO Large Programme exploiting the multi-IFU near-IR spectrograph KMOS at the Very Large Telescope. The goal is to obtain 3D spectra (i.e. spatially resolved spectroscopy) of a sample of about 200 galaxies, in the redshift range z~1-2.5, in all three primary near-IR bands (J, H, K) so to map all of the primary optical nebular lines redshifted into the near-IR bands ([OII], [NeIII], He II, Hβ, [OIII], Hα, [NII], [SII], [SIII]). The combination of these multiple lines will enable us to investigate in detail the physical properties of the ISM in galaxies (excitation mechanism, chemical enrichment, ionization parameter, density, etc...) with an accuracy that has not been possible in previous large surveys (due to the lack of appropriate diagnostics), spatially resolved and with a statistically sound sample.
The sample consists of spectroscopically confirmed galaxies at z~1-2.5, specifically selected to have the primary nebular lines redshifted into the main near-IR bands. Half of the sample consists of galaxies in GOODS-South and in COSMOS, while half of the sample consists of gravitationally lensed galaxies in six lensing clusters from the CLASH survey (these will enable to achieve a higher projected spatial resolution and to access fainter, low-mass galaxies).
M. Curti et al., "The KLEVER Survey: spatially resolved metallicity maps and gradients in a sample of 1.2 < z < 2.5 lensed galaxies", 2020 MNRAS, 492, 82,
Co-PIs: Michele Cirasuolo and Roberto Maiolino
Team members: Mirko Curti, Connor Hayden-Pawson, Alice Concas, Amata Mercurio, Matt Auger, Fergus Cullen, Giovanni Cresci, Filippo Mannucci, Alessandro Marconi, Francesco Belfiore, Max Pettini, Massimo Meneghetti, Tohru Nagao, Paulina Troncoso, Yingjie Peng, James Dunlop, Ross McLure, Claudia Cicone, Rob Ivison, Michele Cappellari, Mark Swinbank, Kazuaki Ota
Data release
Data products will be released on this site and on an ESO mirror site.