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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge


Astronomy workshops for schools run by the University of Cambridge 

AstroEast provides curriculum-based activities to schools across the East of England. We use the excitement of astronomy to improve numeracy and literacy and inspire the next generation of scientists.


Our carefully-designed series of workshops are aimed at Key Stage 3 (year 7-9). Focussing on the inspiring field of planets and life in the Universe, students will learn how astronomers hunt for planets, and get hands-on experience with software coding and real data. 

Curriculum topics included:

  • Forces and Motion
  • Light
  • Orbits
  • Gravity and Space Physics

These workshops can either run in school (e.g., during science lessons), or as an after-school club. We recommend at least 3 sessions, but longer-term arrangements are possible. Importantly, AstroEast is provided at no cost for schools: all workshops are all free of charge, and all equipment and materials are provided. 

As part of AstroEast, we can also also host your school for an evening of stargazing with our historical telescopes in Cambridge. 

If you would like to arrange AstroEast workshops for your school, please contact us at