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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge


Date: 20th November 2024; 9am-5pm
Venue: Ryle Seminar Room, KICC

Abstract: The data challenges of the next generation cosmological surveys have pushed the inference tools the community relies upon to new territory, demanding development of new strategies to deal with unprecedented data volumes and model complexity. This workshop aims to bring together a range of groups in Cambridge working on hard inference problems, and the developments needed to solve them. There is a range of local interest in this topic that will be split into sessions including simulation-based inference, machine learning, emulators and domain-specific data challenges.

Registration: Registration and/or abstract submission for short talks is now open. We particularly encourage submissions from early career researchers.
Registration Deadline: 12th November 2024

Organisers: David Yallup, Will Handley, James Alvey, Priscilla Canizares Martinez, Harry Bevins, Kaisey Mandel, Boris Bolliet


Time Speaker Title
9:00 AM   Introduction
9:15 AM Aaron Do Divergent Model Inferences: SNe Ia Seen from Multiple Perspectives
9:40 AM James Rogers Inference in Exoplanetary Science
10:05 AM Harry Bevins On the accuracy of posterior recovery with neural network emulators
10:30 AM Will Coulton Diffusion models for Bayesian CMB lensing reconstruction
11:00 AM Coffee Break  
11:30 AM Kai Lehman Learning Optimal and Interpretable Summary Statistics of Galaxy Catalogs with SBI
11:55 AM Niall Jeffrey Simulation-based inference: decoding dark energy with DES Year 3 weak lensing
12:20 PM Mauro Pieroni SBI for SGWB reconstruction
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch Break  
2:00 PM Lola Danhaive A first look at high-redshift galaxy kinematics with JWST and GEKO
2:15 PM Amanda Stoffers CERIDWEN: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo based SED fitting
2:30 PM Maximilian Autenrieth Improved Weak Lensing Photometric Redshift Calibration via StratLearn and Hierarchical Modeling
2:55 PM Sinan Deger Galaxy Populations with pop-cosmos
3:20 PM Coffee Break  
4:00 PM Chris Moore The LISA Global Fit
4:30 PM Will Handley Summary Session