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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge


Conference rationale

This workshop is motivated by the broad similarities surrounding the theory of disc mediated migration on scales ranging from protoplanetary discs to galactic nuclei. Migration theory thus underpins our understanding of some of the most topical problems in contemporary astrophysics, i.e. the establishment of planetary system `architecture' and the processes driving the merging of black holes.

We invite participants from both the protoplanetary disc and gravitational wave communities to attend this three day meeting which will address theory and numerical simulations of migration as well as its broader implications. We will also discuss new  opportunities in both fields for observational calibration of the migration process (e.g. by observations using ALMA, SPHERE, GPI, LIGO, LISA, PTA, ....).



Phil Armitage
Cathie Clarke
Davide Gerosa
Zoltan Haiman
Willi Kley
Giuseppe Lodato
Roman Rafikov
Alberto Sesana

Invited speakers



Sandra Berner
Cathie Clarke
Farzana Meru
Giovanni Rosotti
Jean Teyssandier


Local Organising Committee can be emailed at

Abstract submission

Please click here and fill in the form by 5 March 2017. Please note that the number of participants is limited; we will inform applicants of the outcome of the selection process by mid March which will also mark the opening of on-line registration. We particularly encourage applications from junior researchers and can offer financial support to those with limited funds. In this case, please fill in the relevant section of the form.


We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Kavli Foundation and from a grant from the Templeton Foundation held by Prof. Martin Rees.

Monday, 22 May, 2017 - 20:45 to Wednesday, 24 May, 2017 - 14:45
Event location: 
Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge