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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge


KICC are pleased to host regular regular half-day or full-day internal meetings, usually one or two per term. These focus on the science themes of the Kavli Institute however they also encompass cross-themed meetings.

These informal events promote discussion and are centred around a set of talks, with good representation from students, postdoctoral researchers and fellows. Wherever possible, external contributors may also attend in-person as day visitors.

The next event focuses on 'Feedback in and around galaxies'

Tuesday 7th December 2021

9.00 - 9.20: Welcome refreshments and informal discussion

Session 1 (9.20 - 11.00): Galaxy feedback and formation processes

  • 9:20: Meeting introduction
  • 9.30: Gareth Jones -  A Sub-Dominant Starburst-Driven Outflow at z~5.7
  • 9.45: William Baker - Multi-dimensional scaling relations of ALMaQUEST galaxies
  • 10.00: Connor Hayden-Pawson - The KLEVER survey: Insights from the physical properties of the ISM in high-z galaxies
  • 10.15: Joris Witstok -  Assessing the sources of reionization: a spectroscopic case study of a 30× lensed galaxy at z ~ 5 with Lyα, C IV, Mg II, and [Ne III]
  • 10.30: Tobias Looser - Reconstructing spatially resolved Star Formation Histories in MaNGA galaxies with pPXF
  • 10.45: Rosie Talbot - Spin-driven AGN jets in galaxy formation simulations

11.00 - 11.30: Coffee break

Session 2 (11.30 - 12.15): Galaxy outflows and their connection with galaxy haloes

  • 11.30: Jake Bennett - A disturbing FABLE of mergers, feedback, turbulence and mass biases
  • 11.45: Vid Irsic - Galaxy Formation from the perspective of Cosmological Clustering surveys
  • 12.00: Giulia Tozzi - Galaxy-scale winds driven by ultra-fast outflows in nearby and z~1.5 quasars

12.15 - 13.00: Guided discussion 

13.00 - 14.00: Lunch and informal discussion