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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge

Anastasia Fialkov (IoA & Kavli) and collaborators awarded the 2020 Buchalter Cosmology Prize for their work on Fuzzy Dark Matter

Anastasia Fialkov (IoA & Kavli), Philip Mocz (Princeton University) and their collaborators have been awarded the 'The Buchalter Cosmology Prize' (3rd place) for the work entitled “First star-forming structures in fuzzy cosmic filaments ” published in Physical Review Letters (2019). The paper was recognized by the judging panel as “a first-of-its-kind hydrodynamic simulation that explores the interplay between ordinary matter and the wave-like interference effects of fuzzy dark matter in the first galaxies, predicting distinct signatures of fuzzy dark matter than may be within reach of detection by forthcoming missions.”

The Buchalter Cosmology Prize is an annual award which seeks to stimulate ground-breaking theoretical, observational, or experimental work in cosmology that has the potential to produce a breakthrough advance in our understanding. It was created to support the development of new theories, observations, or methods, that can help illuminate the puzzle of cosmic expansion from first principles.

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Paper available on arxiv here