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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge

Read more at: Cathie Clarke elected Fellow of the Royal Society

Cathie Clarke elected Fellow of the Royal Society

11 May 2023

Cathie Clarke was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in May 2023. Prof. Clarke studies astrophysical fluid dynamics, including accretion and protoplanetary discs and stellar winds. She was the first to demonstrate how protoplanetary disc formation around low-mass young stars is determined by their radiation field. In...

Read more at: New findings that map the universe’s cosmic growth support Einstein’s theory of gravity

New findings that map the universe’s cosmic growth support Einstein’s theory of gravity

11 April 2023

The findings, from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration involving researchers from the University of Cambridge, provide further support to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has been the foundation of the standard model of cosmology for more than a century. The results offer new methods to demystify...

Read more at: Hiranya Peiris appointed Professor of Astrophysics (1909) at the Institute of Astronomy

Hiranya Peiris appointed Professor of Astrophysics (1909) at the Institute of Astronomy

27 February 2023

World-leading cosmologist Professor Hiranya Peiris has been appointed Professor of Astrophysics (1909) at the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge. Professor Peiris's research covers a wide range of disciplines within astrophysics and cosmology, including the study of the cosmic microwave background, galaxy evolution and...

Read more at: The 2023 Winton Award (A) is awarded to Dr Alexandra Amon

The 2023 Winton Award (A) is awarded to Dr Alexandra Amon

17 January 2023

Dr. Alexandra Amon is a very talented young scientist who is rapidly emerging as one of the new leaders in observational cosmology. Dr. Amon’s thesis work included carrying out much of the analysis for the ESO Kilo-Degree Survey and contributing to many aspects of the 2dFLenS redshift survey. This work included leadership...

Read more at: Cambridge astronomers involved in new microwave frequency map of the Galaxy

Cambridge astronomers involved in new microwave frequency map of the Galaxy

16 January 2023

An international team of scientists (including Cambridge astronomers) have successfully mapped the magnetic field of our galaxy, the Milky Way, using telescopes that observe the sky in the microwave range. The new research is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The Collaboration has presented a...

Read more at: Professor Roberto Maiolino awarded his second ERC Advanced Grant

Professor Roberto Maiolino awarded his second ERC Advanced Grant

3 January 2023

Professor Roberto Maiolino has been awarded the prestigious Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). This is the second consecutive ERC Advanced Grant that Professor Maiolino has received. The new grant, worth more than two million pounds, will be used to pursue his research project ‘RISEandFALL'. This...

Read more at: Webb telescope reaches new milestone in its search for distant galaxies

Webb telescope reaches new milestone in its search for distant galaxies

9 December 2022

New findings confirm that JWST has surpassed the Hubble telescope in its ability to observe the early Universe An international team of astronomers, including scientists at the Universities of Cambridge, Hertfordshire and Oxford, has reported the discovery of the earliest galaxies ever confirmed in our Universe. Using data...

Read more at: Non-detection of key signal allows astronomers to determine what the first galaxies were – and weren’t – like

Non-detection of key signal allows astronomers to determine what the first galaxies were – and weren’t – like

28 November 2022

Researchers have been able to make some key determinations about the first galaxies to exist, in one of the first astrophysical studies of the period in the early Universe when the first stars and galaxies formed, known as the cosmic dawn. Using data from India’s SARAS3 radio telescope, researchers led by the University of...

Read more at: KICC researchers will contribute to an international project to search the skies for cosmic origins of the universe.
Simons Observatory

KICC researchers will contribute to an international project to search the skies for cosmic origins of the universe.

17 October 2022

KICC researchers will contribute to an international project to search the skies for cosmic origins of the universe. With new investment, six UK universities will deliver a major upgrade to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment known as Simons Observatory (SO). The CMB is the trail of heat left by the Big Bang...

Read more at: KICC Researcher Joanna Piotrowska featured on Polish breakfast TV
Joanna Piotrowska and Anna Senkara

KICC Researcher Joanna Piotrowska featured on Polish breakfast TV

12 October 2022

KICC researcher and recent PhD graduate Joanna Piotrowska recently featured on Polish breakfast TV. The Polish researcher showed Anna Senkara, a reporter of Dzień Dobry TVN, around the University, the Kavli Institute and Instite of Astronomy and told her about the secrets of the universe. The TV segment (Polish language)...