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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge


I am a first year PhD student supervised by Dr Francesco D'Eugenio and Dr Sandro Tacchella. I am willing to contribute to uncovering the puzzling mysteries surrounding the processes that governed Galaxy Formation and the subsequent structural growth and morphological evolution within the first billion of years after Big Bang.

My first project represents a detailed study of the kinematics and dynamics of a Massive Quiescent Galaxy at redshift z = 4.66 (GS-9209). The galaxy shows an ordered rotation pattern and a young central bulge. My second project aims to probe the outflows from this galaxy and to quantify the impact of ejective AGN feedback on stopping star formation in an inside-out way and on driving the birth and the growth of a massive central bulge.


October 2024 - Present: PhD student in Physics, Cavendish Astrophysics Research Group, Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge (KICC)

October 2020 - June 2024: Undergraduate Master of Physics (MPhys), Majors: 1. Astrophysics, 2. Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics


Current Research Interests:

- Galaxy Kinematics and Dynamics

- Galaxies Morphological Evolution, Galaxy sub-structures (bulges, disks)

- Galaxies Star Formation Histories and Quenching Mechanisms

- Galactic Outflows, AGN feedback

- Early Galaxies Interstellar Medium: Gas and Dust