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Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge

Read more at: New Physics from Old Light: Illuminating the Universe with CMB Secondaries

New Physics from Old Light: Illuminating the Universe with CMB Secondaries

Monday, 16 September, 2024 - 09:00 to Friday, 20 September, 2024 - 13:00

24_new-light_banner-700x200.jpg This workshop will bring together experts to discuss new scientific opportunities in the different areas of CMB secondary anisotropy science along with their synergies with LSS. We plan four and a half days on science from: (i) CMB lensing; (ii) thermal SZ; iii) kinematic SZ; and (iv) the...

Read more at: Kavli Science Focus Meetings
Kavli Focus

Kavli Science Focus Meetings

KICC are pleased to host regular half-day or full-day internal meetings, usually one or two per term. These focus on the science themes of the Kavli Institute however they also encompass cross-themed meetings. These informal events promote discussion and are centred around a set of talks, with good...

Read more at: Kavli Lectures

Kavli Lectures

Kavli Lectures are biannual prize lectures given by distinguished astronomers and astrophysicists from outside Cambridge. Below are details of forthcoming lectures and our past lectures, including links to recordings for the more recent lectures. Forthcoming lectures TBC Previous lectures KICC have...

Read more at: KICC New Frontiers

KICC New Frontiers

We invite you to join us for a new series of talks entitled: New Frontiers in Astrophysics: A KICC Perspective Forthcoming talks TBC Previous talks thumbnail_kicc_new_frontiers_blake-sherwin-poster_v800.jpg recording available here thumbnail_kicc_new_frontiers_romero-shaw-poster_v800.png recording...

Read more at: Epoch of Galaxy Quenching (5th - 9th of September 2022)

Epoch of Galaxy Quenching (5th - 9th of September 2022)

Monday, 5 September, 2022 - 09:00 to Friday, 9 September, 2022 - 17:00

Please find the Zoom link here Please find the slides, posters and more information about the conference here . We are delighted to announce that the Epoch of Galaxy Quenching 2022 is now scheduled for the 5th-9th of September 2022. We are excited to host you for a hybrid meeting, both online and on-site. The goal of the...

Read more at: Charting the metallicity evolution history of the Universe

Charting the metallicity evolution history of the Universe

Monday, 19 September, 2022 - 09:00 to Friday, 23 September, 2022 - 17:00

A workshop to discuss the role of chemical abundances in shaping our understanding of galaxy evolution across the cosmic epochs, jointly organised by KICC, INAF, University of Florence and Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa. The workshop is now scheduled on 19-23 September 2022 in Catania (Italy), and will be held in person...

Read more at: Workshop on Weak Gravitational Lensing
Image credit: DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, Berkeley Lab, DOE, KPNO, CTIO, NOIRLab, NSF, AURA

Workshop on Weak Gravitational Lensing

Monday, 4 July, 2022 - 00:00 to Friday, 8 July, 2022 - 00:00

Workshop on Weak Gravitational Lensing

Read more at: Recurring Seminars and Events

Recurring Seminars and Events

Read more at: Galaxy Formation and Evolution in a Cosmological Context - 5th Summer School

Galaxy Formation and Evolution in a Cosmological Context - 5th Summer School

Sunday, 16 June, 2024 - 09:00 to Sunday, 23 June, 2024 - 17:00

KICC are pleased to support the 'Galaxy Formation and Evolution in a Cosmological Context' 5th Summer School ( which will take place on the Greek island of Spetses on 16th — 23rd June 2024. The topics covered by the school are: • Models of galaxy formation in a cosmological...

Read more at: Raising the veil on star formation near and far: a conference in honour of Richard Hills

Raising the veil on star formation near and far: a conference in honour of Richard Hills

Monday, 22 April, 2024 - 09:00

Raising the veil on star formation near and far: a conference in honour of Richard Hills 22-26 April 2024 Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge Link to the main web site Stars form in sites that mostly escape detection at visible wavelengths, both in the local Universe and in distant galaxies. The exploration of the...

Read more at: JWST 2023

JWST 2023

Monday, 20 March, 2023 - 09:00 to Friday, 24 March, 2023 - 17:00

A new era in extragalactic astronomy: early results from the James Webb Space Telescope Since July 2022, the first data from the James Webb Space Telescope have already provided exciting scientific results on a wide range of extragalactic topics. It is our pleasure to announce a conference at the Kavli Institute for...